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Cool Syntax

\begin{eqnarray} program &::=& [\![class;]\!]^{+} \\ class &::=& {\tt class\ TYPE\ }[{\tt inherits\ TYPE}] \{\ [\![feature;]\!]^{*}\ \} \\ feature &::=& {\tt ID} (\ [\ formal [\![,formal]\!]^{*}\ ]): {\tt TYPE}\ \{\ expr\ \} \\ &|& {\tt ID:TYPE}\ [\ <\!\!\!-\ expr\ ] \\ formal &::=& {\tt ID:TYPE} \\ expr &::=& {\tt ID }< \!\!\!-\ expr \\ &|& expr[@{\tt TYPE}].{\tt ID}(\ [\ expr\ [\![,expr]\!]^{*}\ ]\ ) \\ &|& {\tt ID}(\ [\ expr\ [\![, expr]\!]^{*}\ ]\ ) \\ &|& {\tt if}\ expr\ {\tt then}\ expr\ {\tt else}\ expr\ {\tt fi} \\ &|& {\tt while}\ expr\ {\tt loop}\ expr\ {\tt pool} \\ &|& \{\ [\![expr;]\!]^{+}\ \} \\ &|& {\tt let\ ID:TYPE}\ [\ <\!\!\!-\ expr\ ]\ [\![{\tt ,ID:TYPE}\ [\ <\!\!\!-\ expr\ ]]\!]^{*}\ {\tt in}\ expr \\ &|& {\tt case}\ expr\ {\tt of}\ [\![{\tt ID:TYPE} = >\ expr;]\!]^{+}\ {\tt esac} \\ &|& {\tt new\ TYPE} \\ &|& {\tt isvoid}\ expr \\ &|& expr\ +\ expr \\ &|& expr\ -\ expr \\ &|& expr\ *\ expr \\ &|& expr\ /\ expr \\ &|& \sim expr \\ &|& expr < \ expr \\ &|& expr < = \ expr \\ &|& expr = \ expr \\ &|& {\tt not}\ expr \\ &|& (expr) \\ &|& {\tt ID} \\ &|& {\rm integer} \\ &|& {\rm string} \\ &|& {\tt true} \\ &|& {\tt false} \\ {\bf Figure\ 1} &:& {\rm Cool\ syntax.} \end{eqnarray}

Figure 1 provides a specification of Cool syntax. The specification is not in pure Backus-Naur Form (BNF); for convenience, we also use some regular expression notation. Specifically, A^{\ast} means zero or more A's in succession; A^+ means one or more A's. Items in square brackets [\ldots] are optional. Double brackets \lbrack\!\lbrack \, \rbrack\!\rbrack are not part of Cool; they are used in the grammar as a meta-symbol to show association of grammar symbols (e.g. a \lbrack\!\lbrack b c \rbrack\!\rbrack ^ {+} means a followed by one or more bc pairs).

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